How to update the EDK II/UEFI firmware

EDK II is a modern, feature-rich, cross-platform firmware development environment for the UEFI and UEFI Platform Initialization (PI) specifications.

The below procedure describes how to flash and update the edk2 firmware using a UEFI Shell on AVA Developer Platform

  1. Click here to download a zip files that includes the firmware update and a flashing tool.

  2. Unzip the file and copy the files to the root directory of an empty USB drive with standard FAT32 format

    Warning: Data loss may result if written to the wrong device or in the worst case you kill your host OS.

  3. Insert the USB drive to AVA Developer Platform and power on the system.

  4. It takes around 35 to 40 seconds after power on for the below screen to appear,

    when it appears Press Esc icon in iOS Stylekey several times to enter the edk2 setup menu

  1. After entering the boot menu, the options will appear as the below
  1. Go to the sub-menu of [Boot Manager] and Select to boot from [UEFl Shell]
  1. The USB drive will appear with device name: FS0 on the block device map
  1. Change to FS0, list the contents and execute the update

    Shell> FS0:

    FS0:\> ls

    FS0:\> fwu.nsh

  1. After the flash process has concluded (100%) power down and reboot the system